High School Information

  • AVID

    High school AVID (Achievement Via Individual Determination) instruction is a program aimed at students in the academic middle that want to challenge themselves to succeed in more difficult coursework with the eventual aim of college attendance and success. Students may enter AVID via a recruitment process through their sophomore year.

    For more information on AVID, please click here.


    Driver's Education

    High school driver’s education fulfills the state of Illinois’ safety education requirement. It emphasizes skills development, attitudes, and the knowledge required to enhance skillful driving.  An optional behind the wheel course is available to students for an additional fee.


    Dual Credit

    High school dual credit offerings are available to qualified high school juniors and seniors through a partnership with Elgin Community College. Students have the opportunity to earn high school and college credit, simultaneously, through these programs.

    For additional Dual Credit information, please click here.



    High school English instruction builds upon the foundation of reading and writing in middle school with the emphasis on deepening a student’s understanding to be college and career ready. Students will encounter more rigorous passages while continuing to strengthen their comprehension and find connections across informational texts and literature. Students will write arguments focused on claims and relevant evidence, write informative texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, and write narratives depicting real experiences and events.


    English as a Second Language

    High school English language instruction follows a sheltered instruction approach and is used to teach both language and content simultaneously. Eligibility for English language support is based off of student performance on an annual assessment.


    Fine Arts

    High school fine arts instruction allows students to actively engage in the process of art making, apply the elements and principles of design to create art using a variety of media, and gain a greater understanding of art in the world around us. Beginning with art fundamentals, students deepen their ability to understand and create artworks that reflect many styles and techniques. Students can then choose to continue their art education by electing to take additional elective courses.



    High school health instruction applies essential skills to allow students to enhance and prepare for a lifetime of health and wellness through a variety of topics. Topics include, but are not limited to, wellness, mental and emotional health, anti-tobacco/drug/alcohol, fitness, nutrition, first aid, CPR, relationships, reproductive health, and disease.



    High school mathematics instruction focuses on sequential experiences to lead students toward targeted post-secondary goals. A variety of elective courses allow students to pursue topics in their fields of interest. Students will learn to reason mathematically, explain their thinking, and justify their answers.



    High school music is available to all students. For those students who are continuing in instrumental and/or vocal music, there are several performance ensembles that will build musicianship and cultivate a deeper understanding of music. For all students, there are many elective classes to learn more about music and develop an appreciation for the role that music has in the world. From guitar to music theory, every student has the opportunity to sign up for elective classes that deepen their appreciation for music.


    Pathway Programs 

    High school pathways will provide students with real world knowledge, experience, and skills to thrive in college classrooms and to compete for 21st century careers. Pathways include a sequence of recommended courses in select career fields, and many include opportunities for internships with our local businesses and/or the opportunity to earn an industry certification as a high school graduate.

    Additional information regarding D300 Pathways can be found by clicking here.


    Physical Education

    High school physical education instruction enhances individual well-being concepts that can be applied to a lifetime of wellness. As students progress through high school they will have a choice of activities that include, but are not limited to, group fitness, dance, yoga, weight training, strength, conditioning, and individual and team sports. Concepts include, but are not limited to, goal setting, exercise physiology, and fitness principles.



    High school science instruction continues to build upon the foundations of scientific phenomenon learned in middle school grades and enhance the scientific knowledge and inquiry leading them toward potential careers. Students matriculate through the core science courses of biology, chemistry and physics, as well as engage in a variety of science electives of their choosing. Students also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of advanced placement science courses. Through active engagement in science experiences, all students utilize evidence and engineering practices to design and defend conclusions based on experiences from the world around them.


    Seal of Biliteracy Program 

    High school students have the opportunity to earn the Illinois state seal of biliteracy through demonstration of a high level of proficiency in English and an additional language. Students interested in taking the assessment should see their counselor. Students who earn the Illinois Seal of Biliteracy will have a distinction on their transcript which serves as evidence to future employers and college admissions departments that the student is fluent in multiple languages.

    Click here to learn more about the Seal of Biliteracy


    Social Studies

    High school social studies instruction explores history, geography, civics and economics through required courses and a variety of electives available to students. Students will enhance their skills to develop their own research topics and communicate their findings to the larger community. Students will become critical consumers of information and active members of their society.  


    Summer Offerings

    High School Summer Offerings can be located by clicking here.


    World Languages

    High school world language instruction provides students a choice between Spanish, French, or German (at Dundee-Crown and Jacobs). Students will develop the language skills in order to communicate in personal, professional, and social settings with others that speak the target language. While in class, students will almost exclusively utilize the target language as they are immersed in communicative activities and learning about the target cultures.