Seal of Biliteracy Program

  • To qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy, seniors must:

    • Earn a minimum score of 480 on the ELA Component of the SAT OR
    • Earn a minimum overall score of 4.8 composite on the ACCESS for ELLs exam, AND
    • Have earned a 4 or 5 in the Advanced Placement language exam they took as a junior or senior OR
    • Earn a minimum score of I-6 (Intermediate High) on all domains on the STAMP exam. 

    To qualify for the Commendation Toward Biliteracy, seniors must:

    • Earn a minimum score of 480 on the ELA Component of the SAT OR
    • Earn a minimum overall score of 4.8 composite on the ACCESS for ELLs exam, AND
    • Earn a score of 3 on the Advanced Placement language exam OR
    • Earn a minimum score of I-4 (Intermediate Low) on all domains on the STAMP exam. 

    Coordinator for State Seal of Biliteracy:

    David Rojas, Director of EL and World Languages