Career and Technical Education

  • Career and Technical Education (CTE) prepares individuals for high-skill, high-wage, in-demand employment that furthers Illinois’ global competitiveness. CTE programs provide learners with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to thrive in college and careers. All students benefit from career connected learning that emphasizes real-world skills within a selected career focus. Students gain practical knowledge while discovering and preparing for success in potential careers. (

    High school students will explore one or two career clusters for further exploration and development. Students will understand educational requirements, entry-level and midpoint position expectations, salary bands as well as career attributes. Early college credit and work-based internships are embedded into Pathway course sequences. Students who complete the required sequence of courses will be eligible for internship opportunities. Prior to graduation, students will receive financial aid literacy and in-depth postsecondary selection support.

    A District 300 student may participate in any registered apprenticeship program listed by the district and a student may find a registered, but not listed, apprenticeship program with a business or organization if a registered apprenticeship program is not offered in the district. For more information, please contact the Associate Principal for Curriculum and Instruction at your high school.

    Programs of Study

    The CTE program of study includes a sequence of courses and/or competencies across secondary and postsecondary education that incorporates technical, academic, and employability knowledge and skills.


  • Joseph Sieczkowski














     Director of CTE, Pathways, and

    College and Career Programs


    Joseph Sieczkowski