Apparel and Textile (DCHS and HHS Only)
Fashion and Apparel I
- Fashion and Apparel I (FCS7854)
- Length/Credit: 1 semester/0.5 units
- Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
- Other Info: DCHS and HHS only
Description: Students will comprehend the relationship of apparel and fashion to the global society. Students will demonstrate basic hand and machine construction techniques. Students will survey careers in the fashion industry.
Fashion and Apparel II
- Fashion and Apparel II (FCS7855)
- Length/Credit: 1 semester/0.5 units
- Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
- Prerequisite: Fashion and Apparel I
- Other Info: DCHS and HHS only
Description: Students will demonstrate more advanced skills in clothing construction as well as clothing alteration. They will complete challenging projects incorporating these techniques. Students will survey potential careers in the industry. Students are responsible for materials and supplies.
Fashion Merchandising
- Fashion Merchandising (FCS7867)
- Length/Credit: 1 semester/0.5 units
- Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
Description: Students will evaluate how the field of fashion merchandising is incorporated in global society. Students will interpret the influence of design in merchandising selection and presentation. Students will explore techniques that are incorporated in marketing, advertising, and consumer behavior. Students will evaluate higher education and career opportunities in fashion merchandising through authentic situations.
- District 300 Internship Program (BUS6869/BUS6870)
- Length/Credit: May be taken for 1 semester/1.0 unit or 2 semesters/2.0 units (each semester is scheduled as a double period, may also be combined with early release in order to provide robust internship experience).
- Grade: 11, 12 Prerequisite: 2.5 unweighted GPA (cumulative)
- Other Info: An application and interview are required prior to enrollment in the program for the following school year.
Description: The District 300 Internship Program is a partnership between the high schools and the industrial, business, professional and service communities of the Fox Valley area. The program provides students with an opportunity for hands- on career exploration allowing them to observe daily operations, dialogue with personnel, and gain an understanding about how a particular job/career functions within a total system. Interns receive credit per semester per district guidelines. Interns are not paid and devote a total of 55 to 65 hours over a semester to their internship (ten hours are spent doing career related course work with the program coordinator). An application and interview are required prior to enrollment in the program for the following school year.