Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures

  • Elementary School Pick-Up And Drop-Off Procedures

    Arrival and Dismissal Guidelines:

    • Arrival begins at 7:45AM, when supervision begins.

      • Students enter the building at 7:55AM and should be in their classrooms by 8:00AM.

    • Dismissal is at 2:15PM. 

      • It is an expectation that parents/guardians arrive on time for student dismissal.

    • Please be courteous and follow safety guidelines at all times.

    • Cell phone use is prohibited while in the school zones.

    • Follow all directions from arrival and dismissal supervisors. 

    • Please drive slowly and watch for children!

    Elementary Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

    Arrival for Parent/Guardian Walk Up Students Will be Near Door 11 Grades K-5: 

    Parents/guardians that would like to walk students to their arrival door may do so by utilizing the North parking lot (near door 5). Parents/guardians can park in this lot and walk students towards the playground to door 11. All students will line up near door 11 in respective classroom teacher lines. Student line up starts at 7:45AM, when supervision begins. Students enter the building at 7:55AM.

    Dismissal for Parent Guardian Walk Up at Door 11 - Grades K-5:

    Parents/guardians that would like to pick students up at their dismissal door, may do so by utilizing the North parking lot (near door 5.) Parents/guardians should park in the North parking lot and walk to meet their student at their dismissal door, door 11. Students will not be allowed to walk to cars by themselves. 

    Arrival for Park and Walk Up at Door 5 - Grades K-5:

    The arrival procedure can also be utilized for the end of the school day. Parents/guardians should park in the North parking lot and walk to meet their student at door 5. Students will not be allowed to walk to cars by themselves.

    Arrival for Kiss and Go Line at Door 12 - Grades K-5:

    Parents/guardians utilizing the kiss and go line (student drop off), should enter the South parking lot (front of Westfield service road). When directed by a supervisor, students will exit their respective vehicle. Please do NOT permit your child to exit his/her vehicle until directed to do so by a supervisor. In addition, parking on the service road is prohibited at all times. Finally, parents should NOT utilize the South parking lot as a park and walk up arrival location. Please also note that if supervisors are not present, the back doors are not available for entry. In these instances, students must check in at the main office with their parent/guardian.

    Dismissal for Kiss and Go line at Door 12 - Grades K-5: 

    Students will wait in grade level lines near door 12. When a student’s car is along the curb near door 12, the student will be allowed to walk to their car. As a reminder the Kiss and Go Line is NOT to be utilized as a park and walk up pick up or drop off area.

    Arrival for Walkers -Grades K-5:

    Students that are walking to school will line up by door 12. 

    Dismissal for Walkers - K-5:

    Students that are walking home from school will be dismissed by door 12.

    Arrival for Bus Riders - K-5:

    • Bus riders will enter door 1.

    • Bus riders will exit door 1.


    Preschool Pick-Up And Drop-Off Procedures

    AM Pre-K Arrival:

    Pre-school arrival begins at 7:50AM. A park and walk up procedure is utilized for preschool students. This ensures student safety. Parents/guardians will utilize the North lot to park and then walk students to door 5.  In the North lot students should be walked to door 5 at 7:45 AM.  A paraprofessional/teacher will meet  preschool students at door 5 and walk them to the classroom. Please supervise your child until the adult arrives. All AM preschool students will exit through door 12 at 10:30AM.  An adult must meet their child at the door.

    All PM Preschool students will all enter through door 13 at 11:40AM.  Parents may park in the South Lot and walk their child to door 13. A paraprofessional will meet the preschool students at door 13 and walk them to the classroom. Parents must supervise their child until the teacher/paraprofessional arrives. All PM preschool students will be walked to door 5 at 2:15 PM. Parents may park in the North Lot. An adult must meet their child at the door. Preschool will be released prior to elementary release.

    WCS Elementary map of pick-up/drop-off area

    Arrival and Dismissal Tips

    1. Continue to pull forward and fill in all gaps in loading/unloading zones. (This will help to alleviate back up on Sleepy Hollow Road.)

    2. Ensure your student Has all school materials including backpack and lunch ready before the student exits the vehicle.

    3. Please be patient. Arrival and dismissal of students is a process that takes time! Plan in advance and allow for the needed time. 

    4. Refrain from riding bikes on campus. Bikes must be walked at all times. 

    Thank you for adhering to your student’s arrival and dismissal procedures. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions with the above information. See everyone very soon.


    Middle School Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures

    Arrival and Dismissal Guidelines:

    • Arrival begins at 8:40AM, when supervision begins.

      • Students enter the building at 8:45AM and should be in their classrooms by 8:55. Students that are not in classrooms by 8:55AM will be considered tardy. 

    • Dismissal is at 3:40PM. 

      • It is an expectation that parents/guardians arrive on time for student dismissal.

    • Please be courteous and follow safety requirements at all times.

    • Cell phone use is prohibited while in the school zones.

    • Follow all directions from arrival and dismissal supervisors. 

    Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

    Arrival for Car Rider Line

    • Parents/guardians that are utilizing the car rider line will utilize the North parking lot by door 5, Student drop off occurs at the 'X' marked on the map below. (A staff member will be located in this area to assist with drop off location identification.) 

    • Students should load/unload from PASSENGER SIDE of vehicle only. 

    • The driver should remain in the vehicle at all times and all driver side doors are to remain closed.

    • After unloading, students then walk to the Middle School Entrance located in the front of the building.

    •  At the start of the day the students should walk to the front of the building to wait for entrance. At the end of the day, students that are car riders will be released from door 5

    Early Morning Activity Drop Off

    • Elementary students and parents are walking through our North parking lot from 7:40 - 8:00 am. Due to the heightened need for safety, an adjusted procedure is needed during this time.
    • Enter our North parking lot as normal. Instead of following the line around for curbside drop-off, we ask that you utilize the farthest North parking spaces.

    • Cones will prohibit cars from making a complete circle through the lot during this time. Do not attempt to pass through the safety cone area.

    • Please pull into one of the north parking spots and allow your child to exit.

    • Students should then refrain from crossing through the lot. They should access the sidewalk directly to the front of your parking space (between our lot and the back of the north subdivision). 

    • Students will follow the sidewalk either direction to our building. If they travel east, there will be an elementary crossing guard to assist them crossing the lot. If walking west, they will follow the sidewalks around to our building.


    • Students are dismissed from school at 3:40PM. Parents/Guardians are expected to pick up students on time, as there is no student supervision after student dismissal.

    • Parents/guardians that are utilizing the car rider line will utilize the North parking lot. Student pick up occurs at the X marked on the map below. (A staff member will be located in this area to assist with pick off location identification) 

    Arrival & Dismissal Tips 

    1. Continue to pull forward and fill in all gaps in loading/unloading zones. (This will help to alleviate back up on Sleepy Hollow Road.)

    2. Ensure your student Has all school materials including backpack and lunch ready before the student exits the vehicle.

    3. Please be patient. Arrival and dismissal of students is a process that takes time! Plan in advance and allow for the needed time. 

    4. Review map below for a graphic of the procedure

    WCS Middle School map of pick-up/drop-off area