Clubs and Activities
Boys & Girls Club
For information on the Boys & Girls Club, please click here.
Rise and Shine
Sponsor: Heather Wallace
Meeting Times: 7 a.m. daily
Rise & Shine is a before-school, intensive social-emotional intervention program for qualifying students.
Rise & Shine students receive daily additional supports targeting self-control, healthy interactions with peers, body regulation, self-confidence, and decision making.
Student Council
The members of the Student Council work throughout the year to serve the students at Perry. Some of their recent activities include raising funds to purchase playground equipment that classrooms can check out to use at recess, passing out Perry Prides to students who are displaying positive behavior in the hallway before and after school and escorting visitors to assemblies.
Perry’s 10-member Student Council consists of the following:
- 1 President
- 1 Vice President
- 1 Secretary
- 1 Treasurer
- 2 Fifth Grade Representatives
- 2 Fourth Grade Representatives
- 2 Third Grade Representatives
Students interested in serving on the Council complete an application and are selected by the staff advisors. This year’s advisors are Mr. Zabran and Mrs. Hummel.