Clubs and Activities

  • Arts & Crafts Club

    Contact: Mrs. Sportun:

    Open to grades 6, 7, and 8 all year.

    Meets after school to complete crafting projects approx two times per month between 3:40 PM - 5:00 PM in room 201.

    Sign up and pay for supplies via Pushcoin.


    Band, Choir, Orchestra

    Band Contact: Mrs. Aukes:

    Choir Contact: Mrs. Truesdell:

    Orchestra Contact: Mrs. Adap:

    Open to grades 6, 7, and 8 during daytime classes.

    Students can be in both Choir and Band or Choir and Orchestra simultaneously.


    Battle of the Books (BOB)

    Contact: Mrs. Cook:

    Open to grades 6, 7, and 8 starting in January 2024.

    A reading competition club We read books then compete against other middle schools in D300 with book trivia. Meets about once per week as a team to practice trivia and talk about our books.  Competitions begin in April.


    Beta Club

    Contact: Ms. Hamrick:

    Open to grades 7 and 8 all year. Grade 6 will join during the second semester.

    A service organization (volunteerism) joined through invitation for honor students (A/B students). 6th graders generally invited in the second semester. Meets after school for various meetings from 3:40PM - 5:00PM.


    Drama Club

    Contact: Ms. Dahlberg:

    Open to grades 6, 7, and 8 all year.

    Generally meets two times per month before school on Thursday mornings between 8:00AM - 8:30AM in room 208.


    Homework Club

    Contact: Aaron Sainsbury: and Caitlin Todd:

    Open to grades 6, 7, and 8 all year.

    Students work quietly to complete their homework or get themselves organized. It is on Monday mornings from 8:00-8:45 in room 7 with Mrs. Todd and Thursday afternoons from 3:45-4:45 in room 202 with Mr. Sainsbury.  


    Jazz Band

    Contact: Mrs. Aukes:

    Open all year.

    Audition group. Rehearses before school. Guitar, bass, and piano players DO NOT have to be enrolled in Band to join.


    Multicultural Club

    Contact: Mrs. Stover:

    Open to grades 6, 7, and 8 all year.

    Connect students to each other by learning about cultures and heritages around the world. Meets approximately 1 - 3 times per month before school between 8:00AM - 8:30AM in room 207.


    Newspaper Club/Paws Press

    Contact: Ms. Hamrick:

    Open to grades 6, 7, and 8 all year.

    All types and levels of writing and art are accepted. Optional meetings generally every Monday after school until 5:00PM in room 110.


    Ski Club

    Contact: Open Position

    Open to grades 6, 7, and 8 during the winter.

    Several (day) ski trips to Wisconsin in February and March.


    Student Council

    Contact: Mrs. Thompson:

    Open to grades 6, 7, and 8 all year.

    Students check Schoology for meeting dates and times.


    Yearbook Club

    Contact: Open Position

    Open to grades 6, 7, and 8 starting in February 2024.

    More information to come at a later date.