Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures

  • Following the procedures below will help ensure the safety of our Gilberts Elementary families and staff.


    • Supervision for drop-off in the morning begins at 7:45 a.m.  Students should not be dropped off before supervision begins.
    • Buses will drop students off in our bus loading zone at 7:45 a.m. when supervision begins.
    • Students who are arriving by car can be dropped off in our Kiss and Go Lane located in the front of the building. 
    • If you need to get out of your vehicle for any reason, please park in the front parking lot and then walk across at the crosswalk. This includes unbuckling your child or assisting them with getting out of the car. 
    • Do not park and leave your vehicle unattended in the Kiss and Go Lane for any reason.
    • Students in grades 1-5 line-up on the playground. Students in preschool and kindergarten line-up in the kindergarten corral and at Door 4 in the front of the building. This procedure may be modified due to COVID restrictions. 
    • In the case of inclement weather students will enter the building and line-up outside of their classrooms once supervision begins at 7:45 a.m.

    Classroom instruction begins at 8:00 a.m. It is important that your child is in their classroom at that time, not being dropped off at 8:00 a.m. Please make every effort to get your child to school before instruction begins. 


    • School dismissal is at 2:15 p.m.
    • Students who ride a bus will exit to the bus loading zone with their teacher to proceed to their assigned bus.
    • Students being picked up by car will exit the main doors where they will be supervised by staff until their ride arrives.
    • If you need to get out of your vehicle for any reason, please park in the front parking lot and then walk across the crosswalk.  This includes buckling your child or assisting them with getting in the car.
    • Do not park and leave your vehicle unattended in the Kiss and Go Lane for any reason.
    • Students who participate in afterschool programs will be escorted by their teachers to their program leaders.

    We encourage you to teach your child how to exit your vehicle safely and independently if age appropriate. Children should enter and exit their vehicle on the curb side to avoid traffic. 

    GES Map showing designated Kiss & Go lane and Bus Zone