Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures

  • If you intend to drive your child to or from school, please follow these procedures to maintain student safety. Please note that cars are only allowed in the outside lane in the parking lot.  The lane closest to the building is reserved for buses only. Please see the map below.

    General information:

    • Supervision begins at 8:40 a.m. There should be no student arrivals prior to that time.
    • Students should be picked up promptly at 3:40 p.m. There is no supervision after school hours.
    • Please follow directions from school safety personnel.
    • Please drive slowly and watch for children.

    Specific procedures:

    • From Longwood Drive, take the second entrance into the parking lot. 
    • Please pull alongside the walkway as far down as it goes to allow others to pull in behind you.  
    • Students should arrive between 8:40 a.m. and 8:50 a.m. Students are marked tardy if they arrive to first period after 8:55 a.m.
    • Students should have all materials and belongings ready for an efficient drop-off. Please no parking in the drop-off lane.
    • Students should be picked up promptly at 3:40 p.m.

    Line-Up Before School Procedures:

    Note: there will be many staff present to assist during the first few days. Please note that students in 6th and 8th grade will flip-flop their line-up location in the morning, beginning with the 24-25 school year.

    • Students in 6th grade will line up near Door #2 (previously known as the “8th grade door.”).  This is the door they will enter in the morning.
    • Students in 7th grade will line up near the main school doors. This is the door they will enter in the morning.
    • Students in 8th grade will line up to the south (left) of the main doors and 7th grade students.  They will enter the main doors in the morning.

    Dismissal Procedures:

    When the dismissal bell rings, students should exit the building to wait for their bus or car pick-up. Students should immediately board their bus and sit in their assigned seat. When waiting for a bus that has not yet arrived, students should wait in the same area as their line-up time. Car riders should use the crosswalk to move to the sidewalk median to await their pick-up. 

    Thank you for your cooperation with these procedures. They are designed to maintain student safety and an orderly arrival and dismissal time.

Map of AMS Pick-Up and Drop-Off route