Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures

  • Drop-Off and Pick-Up

    When driving a child to school, please use the parking lot drop-off/pick-up point.  A staff member will be present. Please pull forward along the sidewalk to allow for others behind you to pull up as well. Students need to exit/enter cars on the curb side. Parents are also allowed to park in this lot and walk their child to the sidewalk. Parents must walk with their child through the parking lot if they choose to park their car. The main parking lot bus drop-off lane remains reserved for buses.



    • Supervision begins at 7:45 a.m.

    • Students come directly into the building through Door 1 (K-2) and Door 9 (3-5).

      • Kindergartners, First and Second Graders report to the cafeteria. 

      • Third, Fourth & Fifth Graders report to the Rocky Road Hallway.

      • Breakfast: Students may eat breakfast in the cafeteria from 7:45 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.

    • Students arriving late should enter the main door and stop at the office for a tardy pass. Please call the office or walk your child into the office when they are tardy. Students riding a bus that arrives late to school will not be marked tardy.



    • School dismissal is at 2:15 p.m. Students are supervised by teachers as they leave the building each day. Supervisors are located throughout the building and outside to ensure an orderly and safe dismissal.

    • If you know before your student goes off to school that their transportation is going to change for the day, you must notify the teacher/main office indicating the change. Please be advised that students will not be allowed to ride on a bus other than the one they are assigned to.

    • Students are discouraged from returning to school for things they have forgotten. They should be encouraged to be responsible for gathering what they need before they leave school. If a student or parent does return to school, they should check-in at the office to gain admittance to the classroom.
SHES map of the  Pick-Up and Drop-Off route