Principal's Page
Welcome deLacey Family Education Center families,
I am excited and honored to be the deLacey Principal. I learned so much working with the deLacey staff and families this past year, and I am excited to continue working with everyone. I am encouraged by the family involvement we had throughout the year and hope to continue to build the deLacey community.
Here at deLacey we strive to provide a nurturing environment in which students can explore and learn through play; providing a solid foundation for students to grow academically and socially. Some of the foundational skills our teachers work towards are one to one counting, writing with intent, appropriately interacting with others and self-regulation. For students who require more assistance, we have a full team assigned to each classroom to assist students with individual education plans (IEPs) and to monitor students without IEPs. Our teams work collaboratively to meet each student's needs and help parents with any questions or concerns that may arise. We are here for you and want to build a supportive community around our families. Please let us know how we can help.
We look forward to supporting and growing with your family and students.
Meggan Dacy
PrincipalGo Dolphins!