deLacey PBIS

  • What is PBIS?

    • Positive
    • Behavior
    • Interventions and
    • Support

    At deLacey, we have created a positive school culture and environment by following our universal plan to increase positive student behaviors through PBIS. The goal of PBIS is to create a positive school culture and environment by reducing the incidents of problem behavior and providing maximum learning time for students. 

    The expectations at deLacey Family Education Center are: 

    Be Helpful, Be Kind, Be Safe


    We teach these expectations through the use of pictures, visuals, and direct teaching of our Cool Tools. Posters and visuals defining expected behaviors are displayed throughout the building and playground. 

    When we are helpful, kind, and safe, we have a calm body, eyes watching, ears listening, voices quiet, and feet walking.


    Calm, Quiet, Listening, Looking, Walking, and Rolling

  • PBIS Pledge

    PBIS Pledge: I promise to be - Helpful - Kind - and Safe. Prometo ser - util - amable - y precavido.

  • PBIS Reward System

    I was Kind. I was Helpful. I was Safe.


    Students who are kind, helpful, and safe can earn Super Friend Tickets from school staff. These tickets are collected in each classroom and the students work together to earn a classroom celebration!

PBIS Spirit Days