Principal's Page
Dear Students and Families of Algonquin Lakes Elementary School,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year! My name is Marilynn Jankovich (Smith) and I am the proud principal at Algonquin Lakes Elementary School. I am extremely honored and excited to join the Algonquin Lakes Community and I can not wait to meet and collaborate with you and your family!
I am committed to maintaining a safe, orderly, and caring learning environment. I strive toward achieving strong academic achievement and promote generating higher-level reasoning through problem-solving skills. I believe in connecting the learning process across the curriculum and providing creative opportunities for all students.
The staff at Algonquin Lakes Elementary are looking forward to opening our doors and welcoming students back on August 13th for our first day of school. Our mission is directly aligned with D300 to provide engaging and inclusive educational experiences that empower and equip all students to discover, innovate, and succeed now and in the future. We strive to help each and every child achieve success!
Our Lion Pride is strong at Algonquin Lakes! We have the highest of expectations for all of our students and staff and we live by our core beliefs: Respect Yourself, Respect Others, and Respect Your Environment. Algonquin Lakes Lions R-R-Roar! Our student-centered approach makes Algonquin Lakes a caring and supportive environment in which all students will learn at high levels.
Our positive school culture builds strong connections and relationships, supports students’ social emotional needs, and creates the best possible learning environment for our students. You can view our D300 Parent/Guardian Handbook and Algonquin Lakes Parent Handbook on our school website:
Communication is key to our collaboration! Please familiarize yourself with the website as well as like us and follow us on our social media:
Twitter: @ALESLions and #ALESLions
Instagram: aleslions
Getting into the habit of daily attendance for students is more important than ever. It helps to reduce stress, make it easier to connect with friends and teachers, and supports learning. Starting in kindergarten, too many absences can cause children to struggle to read and fall behind in school. Start building a healthy attendance habit right away so students learn that going to school on time, every day is important. Over time, positive attendance will be a skill that will help students succeed in high school and college.
Student attendance is from 8:00am to 2:15pm with morning supervision beginning at 7:45 am. Our office daily hours of operation are 7:00 am to 3:30 pm.
Health Requirements
All current Kindergarten and 2nd grade students are required to have a dental exam turned in by May 15, 2024
Incoming Kindergarten students for 2024-25: a Physical with immunizations, dental and eye exam are required to attend. Please make your child’s appointment now to avoid delays during the summer rush.
For all requirements and medical forms, please visit the D300 Health Services website:
July 24th - New Principal Meet and Greet 5-6 pm
August 2nd - Class Assignment available on Parent Portal
August 8th – Back to School Night Supply Drop Off Kindergarten: 4-5pm and 1st – 5th grade: 6-7pm
August 13th - First Day of School
Annual Volunteer Form
All parents must complete a volunteer application online each school year for security purposes. The approved form is required to be on file for parents to: 1. be a classroom helper, 2. enter the school for events, 3. chaperone, and/or 4. help with the PTO. Instructions for completing this form are linked here-it will only take a few minutes to complete! Please bring your government issued ID with you the first time you come to Algonquin Lakes so we can get you registered in our security system. After that, you will be ready to join us in school for the entire year.
The Algonquin Lakes Elementary staff has been working very hard to prepare for an amazing school year! We are committed to providing the best possible educational experiences for your child. We look forward to your partnership and collaboration!
Gooooooo Lions!
Kindest Regards,
Marilynn Jankovich (Smith)
Algonquin Lakes Elementary School Principal