Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures

  • Please follow the expectations noted below in order to help make dropping off and picking up your child safe and efficient. Thank you for cooperating! 

    Drop-Off Expectations

    • Before 7:45 a.m., the car lane is for in and out traffic only. Cars cannot park or wait in that lane. You must exit the drive and loop back around to allow access to parking spaces and the parking lot. 
    • You must make a right turn out of the school property onto Willow St. This will reduce the congestion of traffic still trying to get into the school, including our buses. Left turns are not permitted. 

    Pick-Up Expectations

    • Kindergarten and 1st grade car riders will be dismissed first. If your child is in an older grade, please do not attempt to be the first car in line as this will hold up the process.
    • Please do not block the entrance to the parking lot as it needs to remain 100% clear for buses to enter and exit.
    • Please do not exit your car in the pick-up lane for any reason. If you do need to get out to help buckle your child, you must pull into a parking spot. 
LITH Map of Preschool & K-5th specific pick-up/drop-off locations