What is PBIS?
- Positive
- Behavior
- Interventions and
- Support
At AMS, PBIS is our system to encourage and reward, positive behavior and actions. We expect all of our students to act appropriately; the reward is an extra bonus! The Universal team, consisting of a team of teachers, administrators, and even students, will work to support all students at AMS.
Our building coaches are Mrs. Hager and Ms. Chally.
AMS Shows Respect!
We have building-wide expectations for students to follow, which fall under three categories. Our motto is Respect Everyone, Respect Education, and Respect Environment. Students who follow expectations may be rewarded with ROLE cards, which can be used for school-wide incentives or to enter raffles.
AMS Behavior Matrix
Please click here for a PDF file of the AMS Behavior Matrix Expectations table.